Thursday, Janurary 2, 2025 - 9:00pm
I feel like its been forever since I've done one of these but thats just because i was shitting one out like every 2 days for a bit. Lets see what happened?? Oh yeah I put out another video today so I'm hyped about that. It actually harkens back to ye olden days (my yt chanel during lockdown). I had a lot of fun making it and trying new things with video editing and I hope it shows. It was fun making it and, while I'm like this with all my videos, this one more than ever is so rewarding to see finished and uploaded on youtube. Like I think the last time I was this proud of a video was my best of 2020 video I made for that old (and now DEAD) chanel. I think making videos is the best like anti brain rot thing for me, just because it is the opposite of getting that instant gratification of scrolling. For me at least, editing a video is very iterative, which is what makes it so rewarding. I'm constatnly going back and rewatching footage, thinking what I can do to make the video better and coming up with new things to try. It's that delayed gratification that all the motivational influencers be talking about, like yeah they are trying to sell you something but their core message is most of the time true. I just hope I can continue to see improvement in my videos. Right now I'm working on this video using footage from the same night as the bo6 video, but idk if it's gonna be good enough for a video, by that time we were all pretty tired. But that's fine, even though school is starting up again soon, there will be more opportunities to get some better footage, and now that I got this mic it's gonna be easier to recored now, logistically speaking. God the setup I had going on for the last 2 vids sucked so much ass. I think I talked about this last post but I'm getting a little scared that guccichastitycage is just gonna become a gaming chanel like my last one. I know its just 2 gaming vids right now but I feel like it's been so long since I've worked on a video thats just me. Sounds kinda selfish I know and I like making the group gaming vids, but this chanel is also guccichastitycage, which I made to be able to express myself exactly how I wanted. Idk I think I'm just getting worked up over literally nothing an idea will come and all will be good again.
I think my next immediate goal is going to be making a 4th page on this website (WHATT?!?!). I want to make a little page to upload pictures I like, not neccesarily a moodboard but also maybe a moodboard or whatever idk. Point is I want both another page on this website and a place on the website to share pictures I think are just really cool. Literally my entire website is just copying which is a super awesome website and one of my main inspirations for guccichastitycage in general. OMG THAT WOULD BE SO COOL TO HAVE SOMEWGHERE TOO AN INSPO PAGE! Also I think next item after photos page for tha website is a guestbook or those little chat things on all the super cool websites on neocities. Then maybe something about music. Ok that is a giant list already so I gotta stop dreaming and start doing (thats fire I could totally be a motivational ig influencer).
Also little side tangent I watched this one video from some small twitch streamer, like she had enough subscribers to make professional looking vids and what not (aka not the garbage level of production my chanel has) but still no where near enough to be known by anyone outisde of her audience, and she was talking about how basically jschlatt fucking hates her and bullies her. And yeah seeing her video its like he is being a dick to you but also like bro that's literally his whole thing he's just a rich asshole which is something I as an avid sdp enjoyer hate. She made it as like an 80% joke so it's not that deep but that combined with the slop my feed was filled with after watching it soldifoed something for me. God forbid guccichastitycage ever becomes bigger than just a personal thing I would HATE having to talk to other 'content creators'. Like obviosly talking to people and collabing and oh god 'networking' is how you grow chanel, honestly probably more so as someone just starting out, but damn once people are big enouhg to where they are making money they just become the worst people ever. Idk just something that I noticed and thought about. I really can't see this chanel ever surpassing 100 subs so it's not like I have to worry about that. Shoutout sdp best youtube chanel ever except for when they make bad videos.
Oh yeah little update on the project, which from now on shall be refered to as EPEP, basically I gotta go back. So after I ran that first regression I talk about in the last post i realized that I forgot to take into account the fact that how a player preforms in one given week is going to have some significant correlation with how they are projected to do in future weeks. In nerd speak, I need to account for some amout of lag in my regression, which means Newey-West model save me. I actually have been slacking on getting to that so I can't remeber what exact problems running a regression that doesn't account for it will bring up but any one with a brain can tell you that yeah I need to account for that in this case. So I gotta get reading on my notes from class and run a new regression to see the effects of scored points on projected points. Oh yeah and on new years eve I played someone who is actually good at smash and got my ass beat so that was really fun. Anyway that's all I got for now the next one of these will probably not be for a while considering school is starting soon so I'll see you lot when I see you, gn :D.
Song for da entry:
Y.T.T.Y - blackwinterwells
Wednesday, December 25, 2024 - 5:20pm
HOHOHO MERRRY CHRISTMAS!!! KICK THAT NAUGHTY GRINCH OFF THE SLEIGH! Christmas was a huge huge awesome day once again. I was really really happy yesterday spending christmas eve with all my family. OK ok enough holly posting i actually have some stuff i want to talk about i think. I just made this new public playlist on my yt chanel called videos i like and the first one i added was from this girl talking about how gen z has this culture of being non chalant and calling everything cringe and putting people down for liking things too much (hmmmmmmmmm sounds familiar). I really really liked the video and what she had to say and it made me kinda think about my progress with this website. I feel like through my progress with the website and the youtube chanel, I've kinda become more ok with liking things and being cringe or whatever. I still make remarks like that and speak in a certain ironic tone when talking about it cause I am still a little embarassed but I can at leas talk about stuff I really like. Plus being able to just ramble in these journal posts has helped a lot. Goddamn it I just checked the ravens texans score and we were 1 touchdown + pat away from scoragami. Oh yeah anyway I want to start seeing more improvement i guess in my youtube vids but I also have no clue what videos to make? I did in fact get the shitty camera I was talking about last post for chirstmas so maybe I'll record something with that for some videos. I've been scrolling through some websites on neocities and goddamn are people so so talented, my website loooks like shit comapred to theirs so I want to see my website look cooler by the end of next year. I realized I'm just like kinda listing general goals I have for 2025 so one of my actual goals i want to set is to start reading. I know that's a super basic one like working out more that people never ever go through with and drop after like februrary but I really want to accomplish this goal. I would want it to be somethign super small, like read 4 actual books this year, whatever they may be. I think people who read are really knowledgeable and I want to be more like that, kinda goes back to the theme of "oh im super boring and stupid and know nothing" in these blog posts. Maybe like 3 fiction books and 1 shorter non fiction, just so its easier to actually read them aswell. I know calling them new years goals or whatever actually drops your chances of accomplishing them (shoutout SDP) but you know its the end of the year so its just got me contemplating where I am at in life and where I want to be in life.
Also I am making progress in the damn espn fantasy project. Like I said data is complete, I actually ran my first regression and constructed a confidence interval for that regression so yeah actual progress I can be proud of. So far all i got is just a first estimation regression of scored points on projected points of all 150 players. I got an estimated effect of 0.275 meaning that my model found that for every point a player actually scores, espn projects them to get 0.275 points. And I had a p-value of basically 0 which means this estimation is very VERY statistically significant, like this is real. I actually just re calculated the CIs (confidence intervals) at a 99% confidence level and found a very minimal change. The CI is [0.218, 0.331] meaning that we can say with 99% confidence that the true like actual real effect of scored points on espn's projections for players is somewhere between 0.218 and 0.331. This is super super cool I think. Just to restate, with these results I am 99% confident that for every point a player scores, espn projects them to have somewhere between 0.218 and 0.331 points. Isn't that awesome?!?! I literally love econemetrics I LOVE MY DEGREE AND MY FIELD RAHHHH I AM AN ACADEMIC!!!! My final goal for this project is to run some more regressions with more explanatory varaibles and then once I feel like I have ran enough regressions to account for what I think I need to I want to write an unofficial official paper about my findings. I also want to have a page on my website just for this project which, now that I actually have some results I may be able to start. Oh also forgot to mention, just in case anyone reading this is into stats and or econometrics, the standard errors I used for my CIs were heteroskedastic robust. IDK if that's just the norm and everyone know they always are heteroskedastic robust but just thought I'd mention it. The robust SE was 0.022 and the naive SE was 0.016. They are super close in value so either way why not use the robust one but I figured to use it also because, just by both nature of sports and by actually looking at the data while I was webscraping, this is definetely not a homoskedastic dataset.
Ok nerd talk OVER. Wait no I'm not a nerd for talking about that I gotta remeber that calling people cringe for being into things is actually really stupid. So you know what, yeah I'm proud of going on the spiel about my project. I'm starting to think that a lot of these journal posts would benefit from being split up into multiple paragraphs so starting now I'm gonna do that. Lets see what other incredibly mundane shit about my life can i ramble to people online about???? I finally got a new ac adapter for my switch so I can play smash bros again. Those clips from my most recent vid are kinda old, most of them are from around when I first first started everything, aka when I first started the yt chanel. That means more smash vids are probably on the horizon. I talked about it last post but I really want to get back into recording me and my gang playing xbox and i actually found my capture card but the problem is my new monitor only has 1 fucking hdmi port. And yes for all you fat smelly nerds I do only have 1 monitor you can hurl all your horrible slurs at me i know its awful. But having to switch hdmi's everytime I want to record to make sure everything is working is gonna be super annoying but I can do it. At least I don't think there will be any actual problems. Quick little rant: oh my god this class that im taking this winter is gonna make me use stata after I just spent the fall learnign and using R. I've used stata before like I know how to use but oh my god after using R I goddamn hate stata. R just makes way more sense to me, maybe because of the previous python experince, and also stata is giant and expensive and stupid. Oh well play the card I'm dealt. Anyway I think that's all i got for today idk what else I'm gonna do tonight. I want to work on some cool project thing but I got nothing in the tank rn. Just off the dome, I'm thinking either work a little on the website, work on the espn project, or fuck around and try and get my xbox recording gear back in working condition. Well I will see all you wonderful people later, gn and again merry christmas!
Song for da entry:
Si Te Pudiera Mentir - Calibre 50
P.S. holy crap lewis i did not realize how long this journal entry was until now
Sunday, December 22, 2024 - 1:12am
Hey chat(I call you chat to let you know youre beneath me) I'm back again for more gay ramblings because I can't sleep. I realize that to someone who just finds this website and doesnt know me irl that a lot of the jokes I
make in these journal entries would come across as actually mean. I just finished going crazy on the home page of the website it looks so awesome now, this website is finally starting to look like how I want it to. The new "cool fucking thingsss" part of the homepage took me like 3 hours to figure out, now wait actually it took me like 4 hours at least. I hopped off terraria (oh yeah I started playing calamity with my friends and the only other time I've played terraria was vanilla and up until the wall of flesh) and then just started working on the website. Basically my whole issue was I couldnt get that div with all the gifs aligned with the socials div
but on the right side. I could get them both on one side lined up with the main about section, or the gifs div would be on the right side but way below everything. After almost giving up it was the easiest fix ever. All I had
to do was just set the about div's float value to none. I found a bunch of cool websites with gifs, little pixel arts, cursors, buttons, and all sorts of fun things that make a person's website truly theirs. I love this so much its so fun finding random things to express myself over my website. Oh yeah my buddy is thinking about starting a youtube channel, so if he does you best beleive the guccichastitycage x wizardofgoop (follow him on ig for shitposts and art) is going to go insane. Idk what kind of videos we could make together, maybe some gaming videos or you know... a... well lets just say... podcast... Im sorry but the masculine urge to have a podcast and talk about the most mundane shit ever is too strong. But idk if you (chat btw) have any suggestions on funny video idea lmk on either the youtube comments or on my ig. Speaking of youtube videos idk what my next video should be. I'm thinking another edit of some clips I have laying around but I really want to do something with me in it you know? Maybe I'll wait until Mr.Goop and I reunite and I can record us two doing an oneyplays type beat thing of some random game I got. In this secret santa I'm doing I put on my wishlist this really crappy $40 digital camera and if I get it I want to make like a cscoop type vlog thing of just random moments I capture on it. It wouldn't be as focused on like comedy and crazy shit tho I think it would be more me just talking about my life and whatnot cause lord knows I love talking about me. But with that I could kinda get the best of both worlds on what I want everytime I make a video. Practice editing that isn't just splicing funny moments(like when I had my gaming channel) and an outlet to express myself. Oh yeah I dont think I've ever talked about my old youtube channel or the even older youtube channel I would be constantly feautured in. For the older one I am not gonna get into that cause like I was still in middle school I think but yeah I used to make gaming videos when I was in highchool. It was really fun tbh I actually enjoyed editing(for a little bit) and I think my videos were funny(totally not biased). I eventually got a little burnt out of editing those kind of videos and then college happened so me and my gang I would record with were on less and less, but I really do miss making gaming vids. We still play enough to have footage to make videos from but I am kinda worried that if I start making videos of us gamign again, I'll have to show them all this. Which obviously yeah I am really proud of but also, you know, muh don't perceive me or whatever lame shit that it is. Literally only one irl knows about this website, and tbh a lot of the reason I did'nt go live sooner was just because I was scared of people perceiving me. It's really lame I know but i'm scared that people will call me gay and cringe or whatever if I show them this. Literally the consequences of the irony phase of the internet on a young impressionable highschooler. I actually do think that is a big reason as to why I am so insecure tho. While my brain was still very mishy and maluable I was constantly consuming content built on the idea of being ironic and making fun of people in ironic ways. Because of that I built the idea that if I'm geniunenly into something people are going to make fun of me, because that's what everyone I saw online do. And by that I mean all the online creators and content I consumed, obviously not everyone was doing that. But yeah I think as my brain has started to slowly form a little more in college I realized I have to unlearn this fear of sincerity I have. Through this website I'm realizing that being who you are is really cool and people will love you more for being passionate and super into something. It exudes so much more personality and fun and humor than just always being the 'uhm actually thats garbage and gay and cring and im gonna laugh at you because how could you seriously like that' kind of person(who I really was in highschool). After all this I think I will try and record gamign videos with gangy wangy again and I will tell them about this awesome website and this new rebranded online 'persona' I am trying to build. I always feel like I am using the wrong word when I talk about that cause I don't neccesarily mean persona in the way that it is not really me. Like yeah, it's strangers online so there is going to be like a layer of whatever between who I actually am and how I am online, but it's not like I want to have this completely different person that I just snap into when I'm online. I think at first I did want that tho, because again I was so scared of people I know irl seeing it and calling me stupid and cringe. But now it is more so out of like a privacy thing that I want there to be some seperation of who I am online vs irl. Idk just something that popped into my head as I was writing. Anyway I think that's all I got for today, it's almost 2am and I got to get up at like 8 so gn for now, hope you guys enjoy the new things on the website!
Song for da entry:
i take back what i said - min.a
P.S. I love min.a so much she's so cool
Thursday, December 19, 2024 - 10:06am
FIRST BLOG POST WITH THE WEBSITE BEING LIVE!!! Hello anyone who is reading this I hope your chilling and whatnot. Im writing a little blog post while my friends sleep in the guest room of my house cause I have nothing else to do. Yeah I've been up since like 8 so I decided to finally get off my ass now that Im on break from school and get this webstie presentable to the world. Idk if you saw but my last blog post was in October so its been a minute since I gave an update on what Im doing. Obviously yes I got the website up but I've also made a lot of progress on the espn fantasy projections project (i forgot if I ever came up with a better name for that). So i think I went over this in the last post but quick review, things were going good with the project, i was scraping data every week, the program was just working, but then school came over and fucked me and I forgot a week. AND THEN MY SCRIPT JUST STOPPED WORKING. It went from being a click intercepted issue to then being a 'inhomegenous shape' issue. I had no clue what was happening for the longest time because I didnt have enough time to just sit down and really debug the program. So I was never ble to get past getting data for week 9, since the projections vanish after every week. So I had the csv with everyone that was normal up until week 6, after that I had only projectiosn for up until week 9. Then on the player csvs again it was normal up until week 6 and for week 7 all i had were projections. I was so ready to give up on it but again once I got on break Idecided to take another stab at it and guess what the problem was? Basically when players get traded, espn decideds to add a bigass banner IN THE MIDDLE OF THEIR STATS. So that fucked with how i was gathering stat lines because the big ass banner accounted for 2 different indexes in the table. So for most players all went normal, but then it would go to a player who did get traded andit would scrape what it could from that big ass banner, which is literally nothing. So for a few players, their stats would be just an empty list, hence the inhemgogenous shape error. It took me way too long to realize that, but over the last week I fixed that error. Also I had to spend more time writing python scripts because I realized how I formatted the csv files was wrong. Basically I had one observation per player and then each variable had a week linked to it, but thats wrong and stupid (said the me after talking to my professor, who was actually the fuck you professor). No but after finsihing my class on advanced quantitve methods I realized that what I really am collecting is panel data (data that follows different things, say players, over a time period, say weeks) so the format should reflect that. Now each observation represents a certain player in a certain week, which basically multiplied the size of my csvs by 9. But with this panel data that spans 9 different time periods i think im gonna use a fixed estimation method as opposed to calculating like 18 different first difference equations. Basically what that is that for my regression equation I take the average for all Y_it, X_it, etc. and subtract them from each Y_it, etc. then with those "demeaned values" i run the regresssion. Luckily R has a package that does all that for me so yippee! Thats where Im at with that, I also got my computer working finally. Ok well I gots to go I'm going to a chargers game tonight so I have to get ready rn, thanks for visiting my NOW LIVE website!
Song for da entry:
Predictable Shame - Gezebelle Gaburgably
Friday, October 18, 2024 - 12:29am
Dood... It's been a FAT ASS minute since I've made one of these journal entries. So lets see whats up with me. Well first of all Im a big fat fucking liar cause the website is STILL not up yet. It's like kinda not my fault tho. Basically I was ready to
put up the website right, but then when I went to go upload it onto neocities I came to the horrible realization that neocities charges you if you want to have videos on your website. Its like $5 a month. So I was caught up between is what I have so far really
worth $5 a month? Maybe this journal alone is but idk. And I cant just not have videos on me website thats like all my smash page is. So I just decided to hold off a bit on publishing the website. But then I started school again so I have been way too busy to think about this
website so I am still thinking if I should just say f it and pay the money, or tweak it to get rid of the videos, or just completely wait until I can self host (which I know nothing about). Seriously I don't even know if its possible to self-host on my personal PC or if I would have to get
a machine that acts purely as a server. And then ontop of that I would have to make sure said machine is on anytime I want the website to be accessible. So yeah I have some questions to figure out once I have a little break from school. Oh and there have been some interesting developments
on my espn fantasy project. So for like a week I thought I missed a week of projections but no I just forgot to push my most recent run of the scripts from my pc to the git repo, so when I pulled the repo onto my laptop I was a week behind. So yeah I thought I just forgot to get the week 4
projections (and u know espn are some greedy fucks with their projections, no preservation) and I just decided to skip week 4. It wasnt until I had the week 5 projections on my laptop that I realized I did have week 4 projections, they were just stucl on my pc. And you want to know why it took
me so long to realize that? Its cause one of the chips in my pc just fucking fell off from where it was glued onto. The thermal paste holding it in place just became unsticky and so it fell off. Thinking about it now Im honestly suprised I was able to keep my pc on long enough to push the csvs I had
on it to the git repo. But I did cause im the goat. I have been like a week behind up until now tho on my projections. But I havent lost any weeks of projections because, before I pulled the updated repo onto my laptop, I copied the entire espn part of the repo I had edited on my laptop and then pulled
le repo. So for the longest time what I would do is have one folder where the repos where in the correct chronological order but just like 2 weeks behind, and then I had another folder where the big csv was up to date, but all it had where projections. And so I would run the get projections script in one copy
of the folder, then straight up copy and paste it into the other big csv. Then in that csv I would run the get last week stats script in the outdated csvs, so that they would stay in the correct order. I probably couldve done a better job explaining that but errrrrmmm whos gay jounral blog is it? I am so close to
being upto date and in the correct order. I have week 7 projections in the one big csv and on the other folder I have the week 6 projections and week 6 stats for tes and qbs. I think by the end of week 7 I should be upto date completely and ill be able to get rid of the fucking stupid copy. I swear I have the most
dog brained solutions to the problems that have come up during this project. I wonder what else I should add to this website. I want to upload more to tha youtube since its been like a month since my last upload. But theres 2 problems with that. First is that again my pc, as of right now, isnt put togehter. Its weird cause
even tho that chip thing isnt glued on like it should be, the pc will still turn on for anywhere between 40 seconds and 5 minutes, then it just shuts off. But yeah pc is out of commission rn so making vids will be kinda hard on just tha laptop. Also other problem is that because I'm back in college town, usa I have a roomate
which means I will definetely have to tell him about this gay online persona I have which I dont really feel like doing. At least not yet. But I have talked to him specifically about making some youtube videos so maybe he'll end up being the first person I tell about this. School has me so fucked up brah between that and work
I feel like I have no breaks, I'm always doing something. I signed up for this so I cant complain too much and lowkey I just romantisize the grind to get myself through it. One of these classes I'm taking rn is actually gonna help a lot with the analysis part of the espn project, in fact we've already gone over something
that will help me. I kinda want to yap about it so lol im gonna bore you with gay econometrics. Basically we talked about how to normalize an OLS regression where you dont have homoskedacicity. All that means is that in OLS (the type of analysis I am probably gonna be doing on the espn project)
you usually assume that you have homoskedacicity, or that along each value for your regressor(s), the distobutions of the regrassand is the same. But in most cases ever in the real freaking world thats just not true. Like very not true, like youre an engineer making a plane that shoots missles within +-6 inches of your target
and you still doing math under the "assume air resistance is negligible" bullshit. Like you cant do that its disgusting! So yeah in class we found da method on how to go about doing OLS while dropping the assumption of homoskedacity. So I will definitely be using that. Funny little story before I go, today one of my students
was telling me that her professor cancelled class yesterday because Liam Payne died. She read us the email the professor sent out to the class and it straight up said something like "Hi everyone todays class is cancelled because I recently found out that Liam Payne has passed away and I an now unable to leave my apartment.
Instead of doing the readings please listen to these songs in his honor." and she attached two 1D songs to the email. Anyway that's all I got for now hopefully I will be back sooner rather than later gn :D
Song for da entry:
pink california (ft. HorseHead) - yung bruh
P.S. This song is so beautiful and amazing and oh my god it makes me feel some sort of undescribable emotions and I love it
Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 11:06pm
Hey gamers, whats going on this Alexander reporting to you from forking aych hee double hockey sticks: CALIFORNIA IS ON FIRE!!!! It's actually really bad my they are having to evacuate people
including my brother and his girlfriend so they came here with their dog, only to then leave like an hour later with his gf's mom. Like ok fine I guess we got this dog in our house for im assuming all day
tommorow. But the dog is super cool tho, hes super fat and cant breathe at all and always sounds like hes choking its actually not really cool
I feel so bad for him. I have recently been making some schmooves, I made 2 new videos since my last post here (i really need to link my chanel somewhere on this website) and I am making good progress on tha
webscraper for the espn fantasy football projections analysis project (i WILL find an abbriviation for this). So a little after I posted my last post I finished scraping 150 players names, positions, teams, and their projected fantasy
points for week 1. I then put that info into a csv file. So today I was working on scraping those same players week 2 projected points (I actually finished that like 30 minutes ago) and their week 1 stats. Then I want to put the week 2 projections in
the one csv file I created on Saturday, and the week 2 stats into 1 of 4 copies of that same csv file. The reason why the stats have 4 options on where they can go is because for the stats I want to keep
things nice and organized within positions, for example, one of those copies is only for qbs so out of the 150 players from the og csv file, the qb one only has the players from that 150 that are qbs,
same thing goes for rbs, tes, and wrs. This way I can make sure that there are no issues with my sample so that I can be confident that the regressions I run actually have a good data sample. It would be
really messy, annoying, and just innaproaite(in terms of regression analysis) if say I ran a regression on projected points using pass attempts as an independent var.
If that regression was ran with a dataset will all 150 players, it would be meaningless as more than half of those players wouldnt have a single pass attempt cause they arent qbs. This project is consuming me bro all I do every day is just
stay inside and either work on it or mess around making videos, with some gym time sprinkled in. But the hard and time consuming part should be done soon, once I figure out scraping these stats, I'll have everything I need and the only work I'll have
left to do is just replace one number and run the program once a week. Something else I have been thinking about a lot is how I am using my computer way more now. I feel like since starting this journey of making my website I have
rediscovered a joy for learning, curiosity, and creation. It's kinda like a feedback loop where I learn new things, which then allow me to express myself, which makes me create things, which makes me super happy and helps me think of more things to make
which then makes me want to learn new things and so on. Does that make sense? Cause it kinda makes sense to me. Also all this time on my computer has kept me away from my phone which has honestly been great for me. It is weird because my screentime has been way up
since I started making my website, but I think the difference is that now I am not just brain rotting. Instagram and other social media is literally designed to keep you in a short term dopamine loop that just keeps you scrolling for hours on hours on hours
doing nothing but brain rotting. When I am on my computer tho I am most of the time learning or creating something, with some youtube time inbetween. I think the reason for the huge difference in my psychology between the two devices is because on my computer
I have a lot more control over what I can do with the technology. Even tho I am running windows on my computer it is very much the linux mindest of being able to control and do whatever you want on your machine. On my phone all I feel like I can do is use apps that
have predefined, homogeneous, content that can only be consumed. I have no control over how I utilizie that piece of technology when compared to my computer. On my computer, I can write code that gives me the freedom to utilize this machine
however I want. Whether it be using that to express myself freely, or using it gather and analyze something specific that very much interests me. The accesibility to control and creation on a computer compared to a phone has been making my screentime actually beneficial
for me. Because I have all this contorl and ability, I can create whatever I want, but with that comes the price of having to learn more low level concepts behind how things work, perfect example: making a website that lets me showcase what I want exactly how I want
required me to learn html and css. I think this idea has been the key in why my screentime on the computer feels so great. Because I have to know more to create things on my computer, I have to think a lot more and a lot deeper on the things that interest me. Whatever I want to make
requires that I learn things that can be a little intimidating: like learning 3 new python libraries, one of which was a web scraping library. So when faced with these challenges I have a human brain moment
and have to think about my idea, what it is I really want to do, and how then would be the easiest way to do it. This forces me to reflect a lot more on what I am making which is always something that is interesting to me. So through this I feel like it has made me
develop more personality because now I actually know what I am interested in and I am becoming more knowledgable and opinionated on those interestes. I have a lot more I want to write about but this is already a really long post so I think I am gonna end it here. I am gonna go work some more
on the web scraping thing so gn gamers. x3
Song for da entry:
Upside Down - Jack Johnson
Saturday, September 7, 2024 - 10:33pm
BUT I FINALLY DID IT! Ok so I got back home from the gym around 1:20 and by 2 I had eaten and showered. I was
gonna go work on this smash bros video i got in production but then i got side tracked checking my school stuff.
Then I had a brilliant idea. I had this idea that I want to analyze the difference between ESPN's projections for fantasy
players, and those players actual performance using stata. ISNT THAT AN AMAZING IDEA!!?!?!? Like errrmmmmmm yes i do
use stata and my skills i have learned at college for more than just homework, arent I SOOOOOOO interesting?? Zomg bro this is
gonna look crazy good on a resume AND its gonna super fun. But the problem i ran into is this: those fucks at espn make it impossible to
find previous years preseason projections. They fucking hog them all to themselves those greedy fat fucks. So yeah now I have to use this years projections
meaning I have to spend this whole season tracking projections and actual fantasy performances which means my dataset wont be complete until Janurary :(. But thats
actually not even that bad of a problem. The real bitch was finding out how to get espns data from their website to a stata dataset. See
I could slave away for what is quite literally a full time job and manually input espns data into stata but 1) what the fuck are ytou stupid and 2) "were not cavemen. we have technology."
So I decided I was gonna learn how to automate that process. But HOLY SHIT is it fucking hard. I found out this process is called web scraping and yeah it took me fucking forever to even understand
how it was working. For like 6 hours all I could get was code that didnt throw an error bu t literally didnt scrape shit. Im not joking
when I ran the code all it would do is return an empty list and it took like 8 seconds to run. After another half hour of messing with it I decided to give up. I just accepted that I was not
gonna get it done tonight so I recorded a video of all the players projections so that I could manually enter it into a dataset later. After I recorded that video I took a little break and came back to it.
And about an hour and a half later I FUCKING GOT IT TO WORK. It started with me finally getting it to open the website in chrome, then a bit after I was able to get it to click on a button
that showed a list of player projections, and finally I was able to actually extract the data from that page I wanted. RAHHHHHH IM THE GOAT! FUCK YOU UNIVERSITY\
FOR KICKING ME OUT OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING IM GONNA LEARN THIS SHIT ANYWAY!!! Anyway I got to go and extract the names from that website as well so great amazing winderfool goodnight to everyone!
Song for da entry:
Devil Baby - Cold Hart
Tuesday, September 3, 2024 - 10:26pm
My first official journal entry on my website, this feels really cool actually wtf. I actually feel proud of myself
for accomplishing some high level cool idea I had. Like I seriously cannot describe it like my heart feels heavy but
I cant stop smiling. I am sooooo happy! Uhmmmm im no where near done with any part of my website, definetely still under
major construction. I AM FEELIN SOOOOOO GRRREAAT! I had a good day today, it kinda started not good, I woke up and was bored
like usual but today this feeling of 'my life is meaningless i have nothing to do' was about to consume me and take over my whole day
but I fought it off with such a simple thing. All I did to get rid of it was clean some old blankets and my bed sheets/pillow covers.
Just that little productive thing killed that horribble feeling that totally would have made me depressed all day. I think after that I ate breakfast
and started working a little on the website and then watched some youtube. Then I went to the gym with my cosuin and that was also good.
When I got home I ate, showered, put on my clean bedsheets, made my bed, then started working on the website some more. And I have made some crazy progress
today. If you couldnt tell I am soooooo proud of the progress I've made with this website not only today but in general. As a little screenshot of where my website
is at this very moment, I just finished creating the sidebar on this page that opens up the different sections of my writing: Jounral, Random Thoughts, Writing; oh yeah I also
made this page today, I figured out how to have the side bar be in line with the centered div where the text actually goes, and I implemented dates for the journal entries.
Im not gonna be working on this for much longer tonight so yeah gn. x3
Song for da entry:
Shine - Yung Lean
>1/16/2024: HOLY FUCK GBC CONCERT IN 2 DAYS!!!!!!
>1/16/2024: feeling like "Is This Dust Really from the Titanic?" rn cause I got to read the first quarter of chapter 1 of my friends fanfic
>1/8/2024: Probably should not be listening to Adeline right before class but idgaf
>1/7/2024: Subscribe to
Big G on so your sorry ass can learn some ball
>12/27/2024: Sleep schedule is incredibly fucked, but it's not really a winter break if it isn't
>12/27/2024: They merged today.
>12/25/2024: I feel like everything is falling apart but at the same time everything is finally becoming clear
>12/25/2024: Can we reclaim 'yt' as standing for 'youtube' again instead of being 'white'
>12/25/2024: Anybody have any methods at all? (need tha hookup for free adobe products, specifically premeire pro)
>12/24/2024: Can you beleive it? Christmas only 7 hours away!
>12/22/2024: I want to let it go so bad I would be so much happier if I could, but at the end of the day im still a man
>12/22/2024: holy crap lewis its all coming together this shit is magnificent, I added a bunch of gifs, buttons, and cursor effects today!
>12/21/2024: i let you live here for free and i dont even charge you rent
>12/21/2024: Just uploaded a new video for the first time in like 3 months feels pretty cool. Also was my first time using premeire pro also also its almost 5am. I realized I've been using these random thoughts
as a way to share quick little updates a lot.
>12/20/2024: Made a little update to the website, now my socials on the home page is actually aligned with the first main box in the middle
>12/19/2024: Chat im literally soooo mysterious and deep (yes like that) the h words love it
>12/19/2024: Update on the thought from 9/4: errmmmm actually its more like 11-7
>12/17/2024: so many ideas in my head that it overwhelms me and I just act on none of them
>10/18/2024: wanna kill myself so bad rn just found out my smash page looks like shit from my laptop
>10/18/2024: please be normal or youre never gonna get anywhere in life
>10/18/2024: I had a really bad day 2 days ago and it was all because of a stupid dream
>9/12/2024: All of the words on this page of my website are about me.
>9/12/2024: I think its funny how most people like to express random thoughts in their heads by yapping, but I only like to express my random thoughts through writing.
maybe its because I am embarrassed or scared that people will think my thoughts are stupid and they will see through my thoughts just how boring, stupid, and un-opionated I
really am. When I write my random thoughts only I can see it. Maybe thats also why I am scared to make this site go live. This was like a mini journal post. Also maybe journal isnt the
best name for what I have posted to that part of this page so far. Actually I take that back they are journals, its writing about how I feel about things. If it was writing
about what I did that day maybe I would call it blogging. Maybe they are the same exact thing but one is just online or maybe they are the same exact thing and these labels dont
mean anything. Maybe I need to stop worrying about labels and just start doing whatever I want.
>9/10/2024: movie idea where a guy figures out time travel, goes back in time, but then has a breakdown because he cant go back to his time. during this breakdown he turns himself in as
a time traveler to the government because its the only thing he can think of that might be able to get hime closer to home. But because the tech is so behind, he cant figure it out, he dies working on it. so its like
his lifes work because what he dies doing. Hes like stuck forever chasing what he has already done
>9/7/2024: training myself to be ambidextrious
>9/4/2024: football season in tommorow!!!! AHHHHH BOLT TF UP IM SO EXCITED FOR 9-8!!
>9/4/2024: i swapped da little computer 4 da big computer, but i think it is an improvement